TROGSS Committees & Task Force

Be part of one of TROGSS committees or task forces.

Description of Committees
and Task Force

Research 1 Committee:

The brain and the mind of TROGSS, whose function is to conduct high-quality scientific research dedicated to the dissemination of sound robotic surgery principles in a variety of ways through individually-led projects to multicentric international collaborations while promoting our members’ academic careers.

Research 2 Committee:

Equal in importance and authority to Research 1, Research 2 is also the brain and the mind of TROGSS, whose function is to conduct high-quality scientific research dedicated to the dissemination of sound robotic surgery principles in a variety of ways through individually-led projects to multicentric international collaborations while promoting our members’ academic careers

Education Committee:

The soul and the spirit of TROGSS, dedicated to the sharing of knowledge and the education of our members around the world on what robotic surgery is, what it represents for all of us, where it is going, and its interaction with virtual and augmented reality as well as artificial intelligence, so that all surgeons who wish to learn can do so even if they do not have robotic systems in their hospitals or countries.

Fellowship Training:

The hands and the feet of TROGSS, devoted to teaching and forming the next generation of robotic surgeons with our unique TROGSS Intercontinental Robotic Surgery Fellowship, in which high-quality surgeons are selected every year to learn at our TROGSS approved and designated centers in most continents in a one-of-a-kind environment with faculty at the highest level of their careers as teachers and mentors. It includes 3 specific models as part of the TROGSS Intercontinental Training Program (ITP): Fellowship (F), Observership (O), and Visiting Professorship (VP).

Membership & Engagement:

The face and the eyes of TROGSS, devoted to diplomacy as our ambassadors to the world’s professional societies and organizations dedicated to robotic surgery and minimally invasive surgery, to not only recruit more members but to also represent our values and principles while building bridges and forging alliances that will last a lifetime.

Communications & Social Media:

The voice and the signature of TROGSS, devoted to spreading the word regarding who we are and what we stand for, making people aware around the world that we have an altruistic and humanitarian, global mission to advance robotic surgery and education for all who wish to learn and adopt it.


The heart and the mitochondria of TROGSS, our engine, our source of leaders and the continuity of our society for generations to come, dedicated to not only to forging our young members careers through a variety of initiatives in collaboration to all other committees but dedicated to surgeons in the earlier stages of their profession, but also invigorating all of our members’ willingness to be better and learning from each other through activities that promote the leader within each of us.

Medical Student:

The blood and the DNA of TROGSS. Mission: to enable the TROGSS members who are medical students to become leaders within our society as they transition to become medical graduates and go on with achieving their career goals. Vision: our medical student leaders and members of the Medical Student Committee will enhance each other’s chances of success as they become doctors interested in a surgical career by working together, by promoting education and professional resources to achieve their goals with support from the entire TROGSS community of mentors.

Robotic Time Zone (RTZ) Task Force:

The space-time dimension of TROGSS. The official physical and virtual means of communication of TROGSS, the safe environment of learning, sharing of ideas and expression of viewpoints by the TROGSS members. More than a magazine, more than a newsletter, more than a series of videos, podcasts and essays. The ultimate space in which our members develop their leadership potential and educate the world on their passion for robotic surgery and education. Composed of members who wish to serve as content creators, as editors, and as web page designers and webmasters for the benefit of our society.